Admission Procedures

BHCS admission procedures

  1. Contact the school office to obtain official school application packet.
  2. Complete all required form and submit them to the office along with Student Application Fee.
  3. Schedule a parent interview with the School Board Chairman.
  4. Schedule an ESL and Math placement testing time for the prospective Students.
  5. Schedule an interview with the School Superintendent to discuss testing results, student placement, and school program.

Application Requirements ↓ Download

  1. Completed BHCS Application for Application Form I 입학원서 (본교소정양식) ↓ Download
  2. Health Information I 건강기록부 (본교 소정양식) ↓ Download
  3. Pastoral Reference I 목회자 추천서 (본교 소정양식) ↓ Download
  4. Parent Agreement Form I 부모 동의서 (본교 소정양식) ↓ Download
  5. Two recent 3x4cm photos I 반명함 사진 2매
  6. Personal Commitment Form (Secondary Students Only) I 개인동의서 (중고등학생에 한하여 해당) ↓ Download
  7. Official, Sealed Transcript I 성적증명서 또는 생활기록부
    – Past two years, including year in progress I 현재학년 기록 포함 최근 2년 기록
    – Transcripts in a language other than English must be translated into English and the original must be submitted with the notarized translation documentation.
    (성적증명서 또는 생활기록부 원본 포함 영어 번역공증본 제출)
  8. Certificate of Student Status I 재학증명서
  9. Application and Testing Fees I 접수 및 테스트비 350,000 won (non-refundable/ 환불불가)

신한은행 140-014-711839 빅하트크리스찬스쿨

Person In Charge : Esther Kim, Admission Director
E-Mail Address :
Tel : 031~263~3033, 031-263~6059